"We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who are young, and hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old...We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance. We need to renew our faith every day. We need to lock arms and help build the kingdom so that it will roll forth and fill the whole earth."
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Organic Homemade Lotion

By: Erin Talley via Wellness Mama

  • 1/4 cup of oil of choice (almond and coconut are good choices- coconut will make more of a body butter texture)
  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax
  • 1/3 cup distilled water, or brewed herbal infusion of choice (To make: boil distilled water, add herbs you are using and let sit until mostly cool)
  • 1 tsp Vitamin E oil (important-to preserve)
  • Essential oils of choice (optional)
  1. In a double boiler (use an old bowl over a small saucepan that has water in it) put the oil and beeswax and stir over medium heat until the beeswax has just melted.
  2. Remove from heat, add the vitamin E oil and essential oils and stir to combine.
  3. Make sure water or herbal infusion is slightly warm but not hot (important step or the lotion won’t emulsify)
  4. Put the water/herbal infusion in a blender or food processor and turn on high.
  5. VERY SLOWLY add the oil mixture, starting with a drop at a time.
  6. Continually drizzle the oil mixture into the blender until all poured in.
  7. Check consistency and blend more if needed.
  8. Store in a glass jar (or pump bottle if you use almond oil and have a thin enough consistency). Lasts up to two-months out of the fridge or up to 6 months in the fridge.

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