- 1/4 cup of oil of choice (almond and coconut are good choices- coconut will make more of a body butter texture)
- 1 tablespoon of beeswax
- 1/3 cup distilled water, or brewed herbal infusion of choice (To make: boil distilled water, add herbs you are using and let sit until mostly cool)
- 1 tsp Vitamin E oil (important-to preserve)
- Essential oils of choice (optional)
- In a double boiler (use an old bowl over a small saucepan that has water in it) put the oil and beeswax and stir over medium heat until the beeswax has just melted.
- Remove from heat, add the vitamin E oil and essential oils and stir to combine.
- Make sure water or herbal infusion is slightly warm but not hot (important step or the lotion won’t emulsify)
- Put the water/herbal infusion in a blender or food processor and turn on high.
- VERY SLOWLY add the oil mixture, starting with a drop at a time.
- Continually drizzle the oil mixture into the blender until all poured in.
- Check consistency and blend more if needed.
- Store in a glass jar (or pump bottle if you use almond oil and have a thin enough consistency). Lasts up to two-months out of the fridge or up to 6 months in the fridge.
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